Why do you need to do a Parasite Cleanse once a year?
Everyone has parasites. It’s a fact. Unless you’ve been eating a clean vegan and mostly raw diet, been doing at least once a year juice + parasite cleanse, and continuing such a lifestyle, then you might have kept these entities on a lower end. And yet, you still need at least once a year juice + parasite cleanse to keep these leeches at bay.
If you ever ate meat, fish, or dairy - you have parasites. Why? Because all these products are dead corpses. What happens to rotten dead flesh? Right, all the worms bloom there. So, if your stomach is a graveyard for dead flesh, therefore you also have an acidic environment, and so you will have parasites.
But besides food, which of course you can control what goes into your body, you are still not 100% protected from being infected by parasites.
Tap water, public restrooms, pets, rivers, soil, added sugar in soft drinks, toxic cleaning supplies, mold exposure etc etc all also contribute to parasites flourishing in your body.
Why do parasites need to be eliminated once a year at least?
- Parasites destroy all the good cells faster than they are able to be regenerated
- Parasites put lots of pressure on your organs and tissues
- Parasites impart your immune system
What are some symptoms you have parasites:
- constipation
- allergies
- bloating
- gas
- muscle and joints pain
- anemia
- diarrhea
- all types of skin conditions
- troubles sleeping
- painful PMS
- teeth grinding
- chronic fatigue
- immune distinction
- nervousness
You can be eating all the good things too but if you have not done a parasite cleanse, these suckers will be running you off all the nutrients. You might wonder why you take other supplements and vitamins and they don’t work. Parasites.
So if you want to start clean, reset your life, heal, and give your body, mind, and soul a great reboot and jumpstart and see incredible results in as little as 7-10 days- then juice fast + parasite cleanse done at once by following the @hminutritionschool protocol is the best way to start off fresh and clean!
Have more questions on how juice detox and parasite cleanse work? Schedule a time 50-min call where I will explain all in detail.