Wellness Routine #3 - Getting Lots of Sunshine

☀️ Vitamin D deficiency can lead to developing many chronic conditions.

We are all pretty much deficient in vitamin D3.

Why getting enough vitamin D3 is so important for our health?

Vitamin D3 helps with:

☀️ Boosting your immune system
☀️ Prevents colds and flues
☀️ Reduces the risk of cancer
☀️ Improves metabolism
☀️ Helps to lose weight
☀️ Helps with healthy bone formation and strength
☀️ Improves mood
☀️ Alleviates depression

What are the best ways to get enough Vitamin D3:

* Daily sun exposure for 20-30 minutes a day.
* 50% to 90% of vitamin D is absorbed thru the skin!
* From food (although it’s minimum but mushrooms have some D3)
* Taking supplements (I take D3 daily)

Make sure you take D3 made with a plant-based source of healthy fat, because D3 is fat soluble. Most D3’s on the market are made from sheep’s wool - lanolin. Choose the vegan source.

At the Health Mastery Institute I also learned to take D3 + K2 together for better absorption.

Start taking care of your health now:

☀️Start taking 20 minute a day, every day, to get outside even and get exposed to the sun even if it’s just your face. Best before 1 pm.
☀️Do NOT wear ANY sunscreen
☀️Do not wear sunglasses too
☀️Take daily supplements

Why no sunscreen? Because when you eat whole food plant based diet that is rich in water content that is coming from lots of fruits and veggies you will not get burned.

If you eat meat-based diet, dairy, and processed food with little no fruit and veggies - you are having an acid environment inside - you will get burned!

As the saying goes “eat your sunscreen” - aka eat HIGH RAW WHOLE FOOD LOW FAT PLANT-BASED.

The only time I wear natural zinc sunscreen is when I surf in the midday with strongest sun exposure for 2-3 hours straight. Then I apply some to my face.



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