Can A Meat-Eater Be Deficient In B12?
Even if you are not plant-based, you still want to check your B-12 levels.
Vegans know about the need to supplement with B12.
When I was eating a very poor diet from a nutritional standpoint. As a result, I got low B12 levels and had to get the injections.
This incident made me learn more about nutrition, and I became a certified Health Coach to learn about nutritious foods and superfoods.
I also added a large variety of dark leafy greens, and all sorts of beans, and my B12 went back to norm.
At HMI Nutrition School, I learned that not only vegans can be deficient in B12 but also meat-eaters.
Because “it is not about the vitamin itself, it is about if your body has the B12 inhibitors. If the body cannot absorb some vitamins on any diet it means that it might not be able to absorb B12 from animal sources”.
“Most people don’t have the intrinsic factor to assimilate B12 regardless of what you eat! You need to get it supplemented” @hminutritionschool
B12 is a substance that our body manufactures from microbes found in soil.
When soils are nutrient-rich
no meat is necessary at all for keeping the B12 levels up.
The problem is that our soils now are extremely depleted of minerals and as a result, it is depleted of the bacteria that are needed for B12 production in the body.
“Back in the day, farming used to have 50+ minerals. It was a rich soil with lots of good bacteria. Now, most soils are down to 3-mineral farming!”
So, what does it have to do with eating meat and still being low on B12?
Animals manufacture B12 as it exists in their muscle tissue.
But because of the low-mineral soil context even those who are eating animals still not assimilating the B12 well enough because cattle are also eating the low-mineral soil foods!
Check your B12 levels at least once a year and supplement if you need to.
To learn more about which source of B12 is the best and talk about other supplements, schedule a 30- or 55-minute call with me.
Ps. “Keep in mind, the microbiome differs for each person. Your levels of vitamins and assimilations as well as your overall health will depend on many factors such as social settings, diets, hygiene, genetics.”