Alkalize Your Body
I started building my healthy habits gradually and for some of them, it took time.
🍋But this one - drinking water lemon upon waking up is like brushing my teeth, I can’t start my day without it and feel different if I didn’t have lemon water first thing in the morning.
🍋When I travel I also make sure I’d get lemons from local grocery. Just drinking plain in the morning isn’t the same for me anymore ☺️ I feel the flushing out of toxins and recharging with the lemon water that helps me kick start my day
🍋I squeeze 1/2 lemon into 24 or 32oz hat of room temperature water
🍋Make sure you always drink your lemon water from a straw to protect teeth enamel
✨Water lemon is alkalizing
✨It helps to flush out the toxins from the night before as your body is constantly working on eliminating them even in your sleep
✨Water lemon can help with losing weight
✨It boosts the immune system
✨ Improves digestion
✨Cleanses liver, kidneys, and blood
✨Creates radiant skin
✨Increased pH balance
Also, another tip I learned from Health Mastery Institute is that you can warm up the water to almost hot and grate some of the lemon zest in it. This way the water has even more benefits, 5 x more than just the lemon juice.
Lemon peel is full of Vit C.
Lemon zest contains lemonelle that helps to fight cancer cells.
Make sure your lemons were washed well and properly before consumption.
🤍Let me know in the comments if you drink lemon water daily and how long do you have this habit?