Which Carbs Are Healthy?

Whole Foods organic fruits, vegetables, legumes, potatoes, whole grains - these are all healthy carbs and body’s fuel.

Potatoes 🥔🍠 are such an incredible source of good carbs!

Good carbs are not traditional pasta, breads, or cookies. Although, gluten-free vegan pasta nowadays is amazing such as chickpea pasta, red lentil pasta, etc.

There are 4 classes of carbs:
1. Sugars (candies, agave, sugar, etc)
2. Simple Starches (bread and some veggies)
3. Resistant Starches (sweet potato)
4. Fiber

Glucose is obtained from all 4 groups. Glucose is the primary source of energy.

It is very important to eat healthy carbs in ABUNDANCE.

Healthy cards are fruits, veggies, greens, beans, legumes, rice, and potatoes.

“CARBS ARE KINGS” - thanks @hminutritionschool for the best plant-based education ever!

1. Potato (Best is steamed. When cooked, resistant starches are converted to simple starches)
2. White flour
3. White rice (brown or wild rice is best)

These are just quick sugars and sources of energy but not very nutrient-dense.

For best performance and energy consume resistant starches as they take longer to digest.

- Beans
- Lentils
- Whole grains
- Oats
- Sweet potato
- Squash

Low low-carb diet will eventually damage the liver and muscle tissue. A lack of a good source of energy (glucose) aka carbs leads the body to tap into its muscles for energy reserves, and it begins to deprive the brain of energy too. Then fatigue comes, skin gets soggy, aging faster, pale, etc in those who do not eat enough carbs.

Eat Good Cards and eat A LOT!

Stay Healthy, Be Vital!


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