Is Your Sunscreen Toxic?

Skin is our biggest organ.

Anything you put on it is absorbed directly into your bloodstream.

Vitamin D is produced by the sun coming in contact with your skin thus layering oneself with sunscreens prevents Vitamin D production in the body. And the number one cause of all cancers is low levels of Vitamin D.

Sun is the best healer and if you lead a high raw plant-based lifestyle and slowly begin to build up your sun exposure you will not be getting skin cancer.

Now let’s look at sunscreens.

The FDA says benzene levels in consumer products should be less than 2 parts per million (ppm).

Frequent exposure to the amounts above that could increase the risk of leukemia, and cancer and pose other serious health issues.

Some of the recalled products had benzene levels well above that amount.

For example, the Aveeno and Neutrogena sunscreens had benzene levels ranging from 11.2 to 23.6 ppm, five to 12 times the level advised by the FDA. 

Benzene is a volatile chemical compound that can impact immediate health and influence cancer risk.

Benzene is a known carcinogen.

Look up ingredients in your sunscreen.

The last slide has the safest sunscreen recommendations.

Stay away from any beauty products when benzene - a health-disrupting chemical.


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