Easy Calming Breathing Exercise

PRANA means life force or energy. It is what keeps up alive.

Prana is all that inhibits this Cosmic Vibration.

Prana means energy, and Yama means control.

Pranayama means control of the breath, thus of the vital energy force.

Benefits of Pranayama Practice

- It helps the respiratory system to function better
- Helps with the elimination system
- Calms the nervous system
- Improves circulation
- Aids in better digestion
- Pranayama purifies the body and the mind
- It also purifies all psychic channels
- Pranayama helps to eradicate illnesses, pain, and tension
- It calms the mind
- Harmonizes and diminishes cravings and desires

PS. I have this practice also explained in my ONLINE YOGA COURSE.

It has more practice on pranayama and videos with major poses.

You can learn more here:



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