8 limbs of yoga

Yoga is an eight-step system. If practiced consistently it will bring radiant health.

Yoga helps to calm the mind and reduces stress. It also adds vigor and enthusiasm for life. It heals the body and mind. It increases mental focus and clarity. Yoga brings contentment and a feeling of peace.

Eight Steps of the Yoga system

1.YAMA – Ethical and moral rules. These include: not killing any animals for food; compassion for all living beings; truthful life.

YAMA consists of the following: Ahimsa: nonviolence (not hurting anyone physically, but also not hurting in words and thoughts. However, if in danger, one needs to use practical discrimination, and be able to stand up for yourself). Satya: truthfulness. Asteya: nonstealing (also in thoughts and ideas of others. Also not taking, for example, office supplies of your company for your personal use at home). Brahmacharya: continence. Aparigraha: non-covetousness

2. NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances.

NIYAMA consists of the following: Saucha: cleanliness. Santosa: contentment. Tapas: following spiritual austerities. Svadhyaya: the study of the sacred scriptures and of one’s self. Isvara pranidhana: surrender to God

3. ASANA – Postures

4. PRANAYAMA – Breathing techniques; breath control

5. PRATYAHARA – Withdrawal of the senses

6. DHARANA – Focused/uninterrupted concentration

7. DHYANA – Meditative state of being

8. SAMADHI – Feeling of Oneness thru deep meditation


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